My Own Creation- A Designer Saree


I am taking a break from recipes for a bit to post something new.

I have been going through my closet and drawers doing a little spring cleaning. I found 2 sarees I never wore because I never liked them much. One is a bright pink/magenta silk saree with black beading/ embroidery. ( my friend calls this “village pink”.) It was just too bright to wear during the day or night. It is at least 7 yrs old. Another was a newer black chiffon saree with silver beaded edging… This one was just too black.
So in a spurt of creativity, I combined the two! I split it down the middle and just stitched them together. So the pallu and front part is black and the pleats are pink. I love how it turned out! The pink is more palatable now since it is partially hidden and since both had some silver and black, they went together seamlessly. I went to Joann’s fabrics and got some black and magenta beads and strung them together to create a necklace that completes the ensemble. What do you think?
So take a look in your closets… You may never know the possibilities they hold. I can’t wait to see what else I can find!


